Infrared Radiation and Emissivity

Infrared Radiation and Emissivity

Infrared cameras can be used during building inspections and energy audits to locate problems that can be found by viewing differences in temperature, which the camera sees as infrared radiation and presents as gradient colors.  Every object warmer than absolute zero...
History of IR Cameras

History of IR Cameras

Infrared radiation was first discovered over 200 years ago, in 1800, by William Herschel.  Herschel was a British astronomer most famous for discovering Uranus.  While testing filters for his telescope that would allow him to look directly at the sun, he realized that...
Why Use Infrared Imaging

Why Use Infrared Imaging

An infrared (IR) camera is a versatile, lightweight and cutting-edge device that can enhance an inspector’s understanding of a building’s different systems and components.  Its ability to read heat as color and then display that information in a way...
IR Cameras: Electrical Inspections

IR Cameras: Electrical Inspections

Thermal or infrared (IR) imaging in the practice of building inspection has been used to inspect electrical systems for some time now and its use has steadily grown increasingly popular.  Since components in electrical systems almost always overheat before they fail,...
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