Thermal imaging has been something that we have used for inspections for many years. Thermal imaging has been instrumental in finding all sorts of electrical issues, plumbing problems, and even pests. But there is a wide range of uses for thermal imaging.

For instance, firefighters use thermal cameras to help quickly identify hot spots and fire hazards. Imagine how many lives they have saved by being able to see heat signatures quickly and easily.

The medical field has also been utilizing high-resolution infrared cameras. When we have an infection or a foreign object in our body, these areas become warmer than the rest of our body. Thermal imaging helps doctors quickly find these spots and have likely saved many patients this way.

Park rangers and animal control also utilize it. They are able to find animals in very low light. Even when an animal is very good at hiding, infrared cameras can easily detect them.

However you look at it, there are many uses for infrared technology.

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