Many people want to have thermal imaging on their phone now. As thermal imaging gains popularity in the consumer market, it is becoming more and more in demand. In fact, Flir (who makes some of the most sophisticated thermal devices in the industry) also makes a phone...
When a problem is found in a commercial building, industrial building, home, or any other structure, these thermal images will be included in the final report and it is normally presented by the side of a normal picture of the affected area. With some newer...
By viewing the different temperatures that appear in a room, IR cameras are handy tools for inspectors to show where heat could be escaping or where moisture is building up. When something is under zero degrees, it will offer an infrared radiation which cannot be seen...
When completing inspections, IR cameras are used to determine what we call ‘apparent’ temperature. When it comes to temperature, there are a number of factors that can affect the result including emissivity and the weather conditions so the exact figure can be...
In recent years, we have seen tremendous advances in technology. Although infrared cameras have been around in some form for many years, they are now better than ever and are fantastic tools for inspectors looking to understand a building. Showing any heat as a red...