Getting Some Extra Heat

Getting Some Extra Heat

Do you have a stove for heating in your home? Some have them as an addition to their existing heating to create a “cozy” room where you can enjoy the heat from a wood fire stove or something similar. While this is a very nice concept, there are some safety concerns...
Something Lurking Under The Floor

Something Lurking Under The Floor

How do you find a leaking pipe that is inside of concrete? A moisture meter won’t work, since there is no way for you to penetrate the concrete with the needle to test it. A cheap thermal imaging tool won’t be able to detect it either, instead you need to use a...
How Hot Is Too Hot?

How Hot Is Too Hot?

When it comes to choosing thermal tools, there are many different factors to keep in mind, but one that might not be the first considered is temperature range. For most home inspections you don’t need a very wide range of temperatures to spot issues, but there are...
Why Should You Consult Us?

Why Should You Consult Us?

As is the case with all types of technology, thermal imaging cameras and methods are constantly improving. While there is a steady increase in the resolution and clarity of the pictures obtained, sometimes it will take leaps and bounds all of a sudden. While it is...
Some Basics About Thermal Imaging

Some Basics About Thermal Imaging

While we have seen that there are many different things that can be accomplished with thermal imaging, it is also important to understand that thermal imaging has limitations. It is not going to magically tell the future, and interpretation of the data you receive...
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