Losing Some Heat
If you have a lot of windows in your home, you probably deal with a lot of heat in the summer months as well. Some homeowners might feel like they are living in a greenhouse, and because of this, they experience skyrocketing energy costs when they have to keep their...

Blocking Gases
There are gases in your pipes that smell disgusting and are harmful to your health. They are called sewer gases, and it is important that you keep them out of your home. The problem is that gases usually rise, which means that they would make it right in if there was...

Air Conditioning
Air conditioning is one of the greatest things that have been put into a modern home. It transformed the way we live and exist inside of our homes during the hotter weather. It makes summer days more tolerable and allows for a better quality of sleep and rest. But air...

There Is Something Growing In The Bathroom
Mold has an amazing ability to grow and spread. It is, however, not something that impresses most of us, instead it becomes a major frustration. While mold can grow anywhere in your home, there are some areas that are much more vulnerable than others. Your bathroom is...

What’s Wrong With My Windows?
Double-pane windows are one of the better ways to keep the cold air outside in the winter time, but do you notice that your windows have become foggy and not keeping the heat in like they used to? If so, your window might have a failed seal. Using thermal imaging, you...

Winter Is Here
With colder weather comes higher heating bills, isn’t that true? This means that homeowners are bracing up against the cold and the dent in their wallets. Have you considered having your home thoroughly inspected with thermal imaging? It is a great opportunity to fix...

Why Thermal Imaging Is The Best Way To Inspect Electrical Systems
The electrical system in a building can have many hidden issues. This is why Thermal imaging can be so helpful when inspecting it.One of the most common issues with an electrical system that is about to fail is overheating, and that is exactly what thermal imaging can...

You Can’t Hide Things From Us!
While the majority of people will be upfront with you when you buy a home, there are some unscrupulous homeowners who will purposely hide defects in their home, trying to deceive you. They might paint over issues, cover areas with furniture, or even try to deny access...

What’s Hidden Underneath
There are few things that are worse for a homeowner than issues that can’t easily be seen with the naked eye. While wallpaper is something that some prefer to have on their walls, they are also notorious for hiding things behind them that can prove to be an issue....

Energy Savings With Thermal Imaging
For most of us, one of the major monthly expenses is our energy bill. Not only do we have many large appliances that use energy, but there are also a ton of minor drains that add up to a large power draw. One way to figure out where your power is going is by using...